The HOPE Program and Senior Peer Counseling, BHRS, HHS, County of Marin
Explore A Service for Older Adults
We welcome Marin County Older Adult residents. If you are searching for services that can assist you with better managing the transitions and realities of aging, our Senior Peer Counseling Program may meet your need.
Through Individual Counseling, volunteer counselors help senior members of our community sort through the challenges of loss, isolation, changes in health and life situations, loss of independence and control. Counselors provide emotional support and share practical tools to help individuals manage these changes and cultivate a positive approach to aging.
A few aspects of our program:
First and foremost, we welcome any resident of Marin County who is age 60 and older who may need this free and confidential service.
Senior Peer Counselors are trained and supervised by a licensed Behavioral Health Practitioner.
Participant and counselor determine how often and where to meet, usually at the participant’s home. Specific goals for their meetings are jointly decided with timelines to determine when help is no longer needed. This supportive relationship may be short, or it could be long-term.